Content Digest
Internal tool for Amway Headquarters to streamline and control asset distribution to their affiliates and business owners.

Content Digest Goal
Content Digest is an internal tool at Amway to manage the distribution of content to Amway affiliates and business owners. The goal of Content Digest is to organize all their content in an easy to use, centralized place.

We’ve got a problem
Amway came to us in 2015 with a problem, they had a DAM, but no one could find anything on it. So we created Content Digest, a way for them to organize important content and stories that Amway affiliates could then post on their blogs or social media.

Content digest was born
Looking back at the first iteration of Content Digest makes me chuckle a little bit. We were just beginning to understand how affiliates would use the tool, and we provided probably way too many keyword options.

Let’s make it better
Since the first launch of Content Digest, I’ve gotten the chance to redesign and make the product better 3 times now. Each iteration we learn more about the users and what features are important to them.

Social is king
The last time we updated Content Digest, we focused on social content. Social media is booming, and Amway WHQ wants to make sure their affiliates are provided with the best social media posts. We added a featured social media section on the homepage, and also a social posts section to each interior page.

There’s a filter for that!
In the iteration before this, the filter bar was on the right-hand side and users were either totally missing it, or not using it very often. We changed the positioning of the filter bar to the top of the page to call more attention to it. We also made it easier to use by pulling out the different sections in the top bar instead of hiding them behind a "Filter by" button.

Story pages
I wanted to keep these pages clean and easy to read. The dark blue color calls attention to the download button and the different sections of the story. That way, if a user wants to just browse the different section headings, the blue indicator gives their eye an anchor to fall on.

Filter Away
The All Content page gives users the ability to filter to specific content they are interested in. For instance, if an affiliate is only in charge of Nutrilite, they can filter to all Nutrilite content.

Time to test
The Content Digest is a living product, and Amway is constantly getting feedback from their users. I’m sure this won’t be the last update to the Content Digest, there are always ways to make products better!
Client: Amway
Project: Content Digest
Agency: Mighty in the Midwest
Role: UI/UX Design
Year: 2015-2017