Plex App
App to showcase Plex furniture line from Herman Miller at Neocon 2016.

Plex App
Herman Miller came to us in the spring of 2016 with a challenge, they wanted a way to showcase their new furniture line, Plex, at Neocon in a different way, using an app.

The Goal
The goal of the app was to enable a small product team to showcase Plex's design story, key benefits, and many applications in a seamless, but flexible way at Neocon.

What content do you have?
We worked with Herman Miller to figure out what content they'd like to feature in the app by brainstorming, organizing their existing content, creating storyboards, and ultimately mapping out different presentation decks.

How will they use it?
The Herman Miller product team would be the main users of the app, and we started to think about how they would interact with it by asking questions. Where would they be? How would they hold it? How long until the screen goes to sleep? Should it ever go to sleep? What about a video? Can presentations change directions quickly? If so, can we create a feature where you can jump to specific slides?

Wireframing & Prototyping
We jumped into wireframing right away, and I created a basic skeleton of the app. I added the screens to InVision, created some hot spots, and got the prototype into the hands of the product team on an iPad. This allowed us to user test to see how they held it and presented with it. We even had them present their sales pitch to us!

User Experience Considerations
Once we saw the product team interact with the prototype, we took what we learned and made some tweaks. For example, we placed the logo in the right-hand corner of the screen so the presenter wasn’t reaching across the screen and blocking the customers view every time they wanted to go back home.

Slide Deck Interactions
I worked with our developer to finesse the different transitions and interactions. Since a conversation with a client could take a left turn at any point, we added a pinch to zoom out interaction that would reveal the index. That way, the presenter could quickly navigate to any screen within the app.

Collaboration is key
The collaboration between our team at Mighty, Herman Miller, and the iOS developer made the process not only enjoyable, but we ended up creating an app that even the designer of Plex, Sam Hecht, could figure out and use to present at Neocon!

Neocon 2016
The Mighty team got to witness the Plex App in action at Neocon, and it was a little surreal to see a product I spent so much time on in the wild. Check me out sitting in Plex for the first time!
Client: Herman Miller
Project: Plex App
Agency: Mighty in the Midwest
Role: Product Design
Year: 2016